Nameko (Pholiota Nameko)

It is a cultivated mushroom, round in shape, orange in color, gilled, and 1-1/2 inches in diameter. Nameko is famous for goop (polysaccharide) dripping on its surface. It have fantastic flavor, crip, tender, and fresh, very popular in people's dishes.

Nutrition Info
Each 100g fresh nameko contains 1.1g protein, 0.2g fat, 2.5g carbohy-drate and minerals (maily 3mg Ca and 33mg P). Each 100g dried item contains 35g crude protein, higher than that of shiitake and oyster.

Health Benefits
The dripping polysaccharide is prized medically, helpful to vigor and brains. It is also reported to be used in anti-tumors. At the same time, Nameko can prevent the infection of staphylococcus, coliform, and pneu-mobacillus.
